Visual Playlists catch-up
Been holding these back because of some technical issues getting the recordings of the live mixes up for you to stream. We like to put them up together so you can listen and flip through the covers at the same time. Working on it. In the meantime, you can flip to the mix in your head. Also included a visual top 10 to play of 2012 list from Scribe. And here's OP!'s top 10 from 2012:
1. Marilyn - Floating Points (Eglo)
2. Rolling In The Deep (Jamie XX Shuffle) - Adele (XL Recordings)
3. Far Nearer - Jamie XX (Numbers)
4. Dancing - Omar & Zeb Bias (Tru Thoughts)
5. Special (ATJAZZ Remix) - Maddslinky feat. Omar (Tru Thoughts)
6. Bloodfire vs. LTD - Daz-I-Kue (Bloodfire)
7. Who Is He (TSS TSS Remix) - Bill Withers (GAMM)
8. Gardens Of Eden ft. Zonke - Black Coffee (GoGo Music)
9. Pharaohs - SBTRKT (Young Turks)
10. Tell Me (George Fitzgerald Remix) - Amel Larrieux (White Label)